EC Blue Book Traineeship programme

Možnost prijave:

od 17. 02. 2025 (od 10 ure časovni pas Brussel)

do 17. 03. 2025 (do 10 ure časovni pas Brussel)

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We offer two sessions a year, one beginning on March 1st and the other one on October 1st each year. These traineeships are exclusively open to university graduates with a degree of at least 3 years (minimum a bachelor) and a very good knowledge of at least two EU official languages, one of which should be a Commission working language (i.e. French, English or German). The normal duration of a traineeship is 5 months.

All trainees participating in the programme receive a monthly living allowance. Trainees can also get an allowance to cover their travel expenses from and to their home address.

As regards content of the traineeships, the main aim is to provide trainees with an insight into the work of the European Commission, its services and agencies. All trainees are assigned an adviser, who acts like a mentor for the trainee during the stage in providing guidance and feedback.
